…and Steel

After leaving Flintkote, we went downtown to one of a few abandoned steel plants in Lockport. Parking wasn't so easy to find, with the one garage abandoned, the streets were parked up. This particular steel mill had sections of Quonset hut and prefab building, clearly newer than the rest of the complex. Interestingly, their business was sheet metal, so maybe they used their own product to create their factory. If you seal a building with 12 foot fences, close the gate so people can't do what we just did! Now that's a dirty window! The rest of the photos here.

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A return to Lockport, without the snow this time, to see the place we saw the first time, with the water tower. After doing some research on it, we discovered that it is the FlintKote factory, which at one time made asbestos roofing and tiles. Which mostly explains why it's abandoned now, and thoroughly surrounded on (only) three sides by a barbed wire fence and big orange hazmat signs. After making a poison ivy-infested path through the unfenced woods, we climb through a stone window onto the assembly line Reinforced floors for giant, missing machinery The heating or power plant…

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Motorcycle Nightmare

Everything about this explore was meant for disaster. Newark asylum just wasn't happening, with the lake effect machine still running full blast and the UER crew threatening to send some cops our way. It was Tom's idea to try Lockport, just because he'd heard some bad things about the town's economy, and thought we might find something. Which took all of five minutes after getting in town, and not being able to find the old water tower we were looking for, there was this thing instead. What a lovely day for some urbex... The side buildings are wide open, and…

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I don't know much about this place, we just happened to find it while looking for anything at all to explore. It seems like it might have been a brewery, it looked an awful lot like the Buffalo malt. And I still had so much trouble with the concept of auto focus.

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The Manchester Roundhouse was one of the largest warehouses of its time, built somewhere around 1900. Warehouses of that era tended to be arch-shaped, so that trains could come in, unload, and exit facing back out onto the track. This one stayed in business much longer than most roundhouses, but has been closed at least 30 years. This was my first time exploring with the new camera. Unfortunately I didn't discover auto focus for a few more days... so about 90% of what you don't see here was blurry trash that deserved to be deleted. One rusty truck Then this…

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Sykes Datatronics

You have dialed 716 458 8000, Sykes Datatronics' demonstration number for Comm-Net 3000. Press 1 for English. Нажмите 2 для русского. 日本人はを押してください 3. I'm sorry, 6 is not a valid option. Please hold. Comm-Net 3000 is a national leader in automated voice response systems. Press 4 to learn more. Press 5 to learn even more. Press 6 to learn more than you ever wanted to know. For all of the above, please stay on the line. I'm sorry, *HANG UP* is not a valid option. Please refer to the User Guide, or press 6 for an overview of all options…

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